Kaori Kiriu

learning Japanese

Japanese language HIRAGANA table

Japanese can be classified in various ways.Classification by Writing SystemHiragana (ひらがな): The basic phonetic script of...
Japanese way of living

Amazake at Shrine @SAMUKAWA

Amazake is a traditional Japanese drink made from rice and koji (malted rice).There are mainly two types of amazake:Amaz...

Family Restaurant

Last December, I met my female old friends twice at Family Restaurant.One is since my kindergarten, and the other is sin...
learning Japanese

How do you feel on arriving at the different world??

Hi, this is Kaori. I had been teaching English to Japanese teenagers, returnees from overseas, and international student...

Soy beans and women’s health

【Soybeans are the backbone of many staple foods such as tofu (豆腐), miso (味噌), natto (納豆), and soy sauce (醤油). They're ri...

Soy Beans in Japan

Soy beansare a type of legume native to East Asia but widely cultivated around the world for their versatility and nutri...